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On Demand Webinars


If you were not able to join us live, catch up on what you missed! The Bartlett Area Chamber has offered multi series on many topics both business related and personal. See the list of the topics and watch when it is convenient.  Check back often as we will be adding more as we go.

Business Plan: Your Roadmap to Success

Minerva gives us suggestions on all that WBDC has to offer new and existing businesses.

Loredana will give you ideas to start your business plans. Whether you are just starting out or are reviewing your existing plan, she has information that will help you.

Permission based selling webinar


Permission-based Selling

Learn how to keep your sales conversations conversational with guest presenter Erin Marcus. Nobody likes to be sold to. Many times asking for a sale is the most difficult part of an entrepreneur’s efforts. What if there is an easier way? A way to make the entire process enjoyable and beneficial for both you and your potential client.


Maximize Your One-Person (or Small) Marketing Team

Presenter: Matt Roberts has served Speak Creative as the VP of Marketing and Sales for over 15 years. He’s also known as an expert relationship-builder, helping organizations across the nation chart a path to reach their digital goals.


Pivot Strategies for Growth
5th Annual Hanover Park Small Business Forum

Ideas on how to:
-stretch marketing dollars
-organize your financials to take advantage of new capital sources including grants
-identify the right business sectors to grow

Platinum Members

Diamond Members